All the fake news that's unfit for print because we made it up to be funny
The Jerk Circular was founded by T. Royce Pickens of San Francisco in the midst of a near-fatal drinking bender during June of 1896. Due to certain circumstances that have been lost to history, Pickens never published an issue of The Jerk Circular, and his contemporaneous writings are nonexistent. In fact, he only got as far as writing down "The Jerk Circular" on a piece of paper that was later found to be the only item in his safe.
It wasn't until 2020 that The Jerk Circular acquired a mysterious new editor-in-chief who promised to make it rise from the ashes, or whatever. So here it is now, returning to what its former glory would have been, had it had any.
Everything you read on the site is a joke. If you think it's real or you shared it like it was real ...
... you fucked up.

Yes, that was an irrelevant cat, but are you mad about it?
Would you like to write for us? We thought you'd never ask, and indeed, you never have. Honestly, you probably shouldn't. But if we really can't talk you out of it, you can write to us with your ideas and article drafts, and then, well, we'll see what happens.